New Trustees for the Walsall Museums & Art Galleries Development Trust – An Open Call

Here at The New Art Gallery Walsall, we endeavour to be welcoming, relevant and engaging to all of our communities and to provide and plan for a resilient future to support all of our programmes. The Gallery is owned by Walsall Council and is currently funded by the Council and Arts Council England. Those working in the Gallery are employees of Walsall Council.

The Development Trust’s aim is ‘to support and enhance’ the work of  The New Art Gallery Walsall and as such it is important for the Trustees to have a variety of skills and experience. Given the nature of the Trust, alongside a keen interest in art and its place in the wider community, skills such as fundraising, marketing, legal, community engagement, education and digital are particularly relevant.

We are now looking to expand the range of skills and experience of our current Board of Trustees.  We want to reflect the diversity and heritage of the West Midlands region in terms of age, gender and ethnicity.  We are also keen to ensure that there is representation from particular groups such as people who are neurodiverse or those with disabilities.

There are 4 Trust meetings per year. Meetings can be attended online.  Trustees are not paid for their time, but where appropriate we are able to reimburse trustees for expenses incurred in travelling to attend Trust meetings; for any access needs and/or childcare; or care of other dependants, while attending meetings. We would expect each new Trustee to commit to 3 years.

Further information is available upon request. If you are interested in supporting us to make positive changes please send an email to the Chair and cc Director and let us know why you would like to become a Trustee in less than 300 words. 

Deadline: 31st December 2022

The New Art Gallery Walsall